Spindle Self Serve
Manage your own account and documents with our online customer portal, Spindle Self Serve.
It can take time to respond to customer queries, resending invoices, providing relevant account information. Free up your time by enabling customers to self-serve their own accounts with Spindle Self Serve.
All information at a glance
Spindle Self Serve provides your customers with an easy-to-use online customer portal, enabling them to view their own account information. From invoices, credit notes, statements and order history, Spindle Self Serve delivers real-time information to your customers and staff.
Customer access
View account information such as sales order and invoice history, as well as outstanding invoices 24/7.
Remote access
Access anywhere, anytime, without the need to access Sage 200 Professional.
Promote your business
In-product promotion to existing customers, enabling you to up/cross sell based on your customers group.
Stock availability
Both staff and customers can view available stock and place orders online at any time.

Flexibility for every department
Technology has revolutionised how all departments operate, no matter which industry you are in. Whether it’s streamlining workflows, enabling collaboration or securing your information, there are a wide range of benefits for many businesses. Spindle Self Serve enables you to provide this flexibility for every department, helping you to improve your efficiencies, productivity, and business profitability.
Accounts Receivable
As it can take around 15 minutes to locate and send documents, invoice copy requests can result in a lot of admin time wasted. Providing a self-service portal means customers can access these documents immediately, saving you time.
Being able to access customer information whilst out of the office is essential to your sales team. It enables them to view customers’ account information and prepare for meetings with visibility of current orders, account history and balances.
Customer Service
You can provide access to non-Sage users, meaning you do not need to purchase an additional licence. Saving you money and improving your customer service efficiency by responding quickly to customer queries.
Promote additional messages directly to your customer base using in-system pop-up messages. Cross and up-sell your existing solutions and target different customers with different offers.
Your Customers
Instant access for your customers so they can view their account details, access documents, invoice and credit history, as well as order histories. Saving time for both your teams and the customer with online portal access.
Self Serve
Providing your customers with the ability to self-serve reduces the time you need to spend answering customer queries. Even searching for one invoice takes time. This is time your team could use on more business critical activities. Spindle Self Serve gives your customers the opportunity to manage their own accounts directly.
24/7 online portal
Provide your customers with access to their account anywhere, at any time. Enabling them to view any relevant documents such as account summary, recent orders, invoices and credit history.
Order online
Give your customers the ability to order online whenever is convenient for them, improving your levels of customer service, and saving your team time on entering orders themselves.
Stock availability
Allow your customers to view real-time stock availability and orders, which they can track with Spindle Self Serve. Your staff can also view real-time stock and place orders on behalf of the customer without needing to access Sage.

Key features
Simple dashboard
Customers have access to a complete overview of their account 24/7. Enabling them to see their account summary, recent orders, invoices and credit history.
Branded portal
Customise your portal with your company branding using colour schemes and logos.
Document access
View and download your complete document history, including invoices, credit notes and statements.
Order history
View all previous orders on the history tab, also including a live order status to indicate where the current order is.
Internal users
Save time by remotely accessing customer accounts whenever and wherever you are, without the need to access Sage 200 Professional.
Unlimited external users
Enable your customers to help themselves at any time, without the need to contact you.
Promote products and offers to your customers through the in-tool promotional messages. Tailor them to certain customers and run multiple promotions at the same time.
Online ordering
Customers can place orders 24/7 and it’s easy and quick to set up. Staff can also log orders on your customers behalf.
External stock view
Provide customers with the ability to check stock and prices before ordering.
Internal stock view
Enable your staff to check stock levels without needing to access Sage 200 Professional.
Proof of delivery (additional module)
Control your delivery fleet live and respond to customer requests with real time monitoring.
Sage 200 Professional compatibility
- Sage 200 Professional 2024 R2
- Sage 200 Professional 2024 R1
- Sage 200 Professional 2023 R2
- Sage 200 Partner Cloud
- Sage 200 Professional 2023 R1
- Sage 200 Professional 2022 R1
- Sage 200 Professional 2021 R1
- Sage 200cloud 2020 R2
- Sage 200cloud 2020 R1
- Sage 200cloud Summer 2019
- SMTP server details
- SSL Certificate when publishing Spindle Self Serve as an external website
- Minimum 1024 x 768 screen resolution
- Chrome; Internet Explorer 11 or above; Safari 11 or above (HTML 5 compatible browser)
- Minimum 200 MB free disk space
- SQL Server 2008 R2 or above
- Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) v7 or above
- Windows Server 2016 or above
- Net 4.6.2 or above
Spindle Document Management
Configured archives:
- Sales Invoices
- Sales Credit Notes
- Sales Statements
Order Module/Stock Module Requirements
- Requires Sage Commercial Model
- Order numbers must be set to automatically generate
- A Remote User role is required in Sage 200
Proof of Delivery Module
- Compatible with Spindle Self Serve v1.4 and above
- Android version 4.4 (KitKat) and above supported
Additional Information
Release notes
Version: 1.7.6
Release Date: 10th December 2024
Major Additions
- The stock page now has more customisable columns including Sage analysis codes making it easier to filter, search and group.
- The Sage Link is now compatible with Sage 200 2024 R2
Bug Fixes
- Internal users can edit prices even though that option is turned off for them.
- Order and invoice charts don’t change values when you change period.
- Users with permission create to quotes only can still create orders.
Version: 1.7.5
Release Date: 15th December 2023
Major Additions
- Place order page automatically removes zero priced items from customer basket.
- Added Zero Price Warning message to Settings > Place Order
- Support for complete Sage 200 pricing logic.
Minor Additions
- Audit log now shows more user-friendly and advanced error messages.
Bug Fixes
- “Show outstanding” setting for Sales Orders setting not working correctly.
- Advanced settings page Save button not saving Email settings.
- Audit log not updating immediately on failed email send test.
- Order page allows internal user to save an order line with a blank description.
- When using the Order Page to order editing an item’s description causes subsequently added products to overwrite product description.
Version: 1.74
Release Date: 22nd September 2023
Major Additions
- Major improvements to the POD History page performance
- Settings option to show all outstanding sales ledger transactions, not just invoices (off by default)
Minor Additions
- Revamped SMTP settings
- New verbose logging of test errors in audit log
Bug Fixes
On order page internal users can edit a product description to be blank
Cannot install on SQL versions lower than 2019
Customer stock screen grid unresponsive when user does not have view stock pricing enabled
Version: 1.7.3
Release Date: 26th April 2023
Major Additions
- Delivery module now supports multiple drops in a single delivery.
Minor Additions
- System level notification emails now BCC internal users.
Bug Fixes
- If there are no users set to receive registration notifications, then the test email does not work.
- POD history not showing status buttons correctly for partial deliveries.
- Cannot select a default warehouse if ordering not enabled.
- Archived documents with no file extension cause a page crash.
Version: 1.7.1
Release Date: 20th January 2023
Major Additions
- New bulk upload of Orders process.
- POD Delivery confirmation email sent to customer and nominated email addresses.
- Order history order page can now show outstanding/all orders.
- You can now send messages for Statements as well as Invoices
- Order page prices calculate directly from Sage and includes automatic updates on order basket prices over a day old.
Minor Additions
Improved registration page layout
Bug Fixes
- Proof of delivery tree doesn’t scroll when dragging jobs.
- Despatched imported jobs using auto assign are missing the customer account number, order date and despatch date.
- POD – When sent to driver a sales order also goes to driver as a return.
- Under certain scenarios, documents become unavailable to view after applying a new licence
- Email address with leading/trailing spaces causes login to fail
Version: 1.6.4
Release Date: 12th August 2021
Major Additions
- Customer stock grid now shows image thumbnail.
- Improved page loading performance on all pages
- Improved layout on tablet devices.
- Using CSS you can now change the main toolbar text.
- Customer stock page now sorts on SKU in ascending order.
Bug Fixes
- Open sales order button not working on iPads.
- Internal stock not updating properly when you add a new stock item image.
- Order again button not showing on history modal.
- Cannot tick / untick ‘Enable Upsell’ in Place Order Settings.
- Cannot place order if HTML tags used in order instructions.
- Close button not working on change delivery address modal.
- Page footer image recommend size is incorrect.
- Bulk upload dialog shows the failure panel when there are no failures.
Version: 1.6.3
Release Date: 28th June 2021
Major Additions
- Product images uploaded against stock items are now of a higher quality
- Improved performance on stock allocation page
- Rescheduled jobs now show as rescheduled when dragged to a driver.
- Courier tracking SQL example included in Settings to help with integration
Minor Additions
- Removed limit of 5 product thumbnails
- Main map legend clearer for dates and events
- History grid can now be exported to Excel
- Performance grid can now be exported to Excel
- Improved CSS functionality, can change and hide more elements and have more customised control over fonts and colours and style
- Thumbnails for stock items can now be regenerated to improve quality if required
Bug Fixes
- VAT not always calculating correctly on screen and on order
- Driver location on main map doesn’t show date of driver’s route
- Oversized company logos can impact system performance
- Adding a rescheduled job to a driver and then removing it causes it not to show up in the main unallocated despatches list.
- Adding rescheduled jobs to a driver sets a zero sort/drop order. If sent to a driver this causes an error.
- For a bulk upload order the product unit of measurement is missing on the order screen
Version: 1.6.1
Release Date: 1st April 2021
Bug Fixes
- Proof of Delivery mobile app unable to connect to Proof of Delivery module
Version: 1.6
Release Date: 17th March 2021
Major Additions
- Stock inclusions / exclusions can be managed globally and per user at stock group and stock item level
- Ability for external users to see stock level labels (low stock, out of stock, in stock) on the Stock and Place Order pages
- Delivery addresses on orders now searchable
- Delivery address added to order history page
- Multiple users can now work on delivery allocations at the same time
- Improved page loading performance
- Spindle Self Serve link now supports Sage 200cloud 2020 R2
Bug Fixes
- Bulk upload of order items fails if CSV contains quotation marks
- Large import of ALT codes fails
- Internal stock search causes items to disappear
- Repeat order adding double quantity
- Disabling delivery charges does not hide all delivery related values
- Can’t set zero value on order
- Order Again button showing for sales returns
- Uploading a promotions image prevents closing of the modal dialog
- Customer stock screen image preview overflows page
- Failed POD document upload blocking other uploads
- Postal name for custom addresses and SOPDocDeliveryAddress Description field not populating in Sage
- Can’t place orders on where Sage manufacturing is used
- In some instances, VAT rate not being set correctly on orders
Version: 1.5.13
Release Date: 31st July 2020
Major Additions:
- Stock comments now appear on order page
- New proof of delivery PDF now generated to replace signature image upload
Bug Fixes:
- A misalignment of value columns.
- Driver dropdown not showing drivers correctly.
- Bulk upload only works with date required in the CSV.
- Signature upload failure creates multiple entries in audit log.
- Bulk upload, all items showing invalid warehouse icon.
- Edit order items, total does not show enough decimal places.
- Bulk import validation, failure message does not include traceable items.
- Bulk upload errors due to case sensitivity.
- Order Page, sort order of product search does not include secondary sort of SKU.
- With ‘Show prices’ unticked, prices still showing on Stock selection screen, Summary page, Place Order grid and Order confirmation page.
- Order confirmation message does not always appear for customers.
- Order Page, unit cost and total not showing as currency in edit mode.
- Customer statements not showing on all documents page.
- If logged in as a Customer, carriage charge showing on screen but not placed in Sage 200.
- Order history, fails to open orders if missing delivery dates.
- Incorrect users able to edit costs.
- HTML code appears in some comments.
Version: 1.5
Release Date: 30th September 2019
Major Additions:
- Brand new ordering screen with order and line analysis codes, warehouse by line, promised and requested dates, multiple comments, free text lines, edit product descriptions and more.
- Spindle Self Serve link now supports all Sage 200c versions.
Minor Additions:
- Improved Spindle Self Serve link setup.
- Ordering remote link now validates access to URL.
- Images are now optimised in size when uploading against stock items.
- Performance improvements across many pages.
Bug Fixes:
- When creating a new user you can now exclude multiple products and product groups.
- Promotions start date now can be set after end date.
- POD android now prevents completing the same job multiple times.
- Order confirmation now shows quote/order correctly.
- Cancelled and rescheduled deliveries now being sent to mobile application.
- Sage bulk discounts now showing and applying correctly.
Version: 1.4
Release Date: 18th April 2019
Major Additions:
- The ability to enable orders, quotes or both per user
- Configurable order priority added
- Simplified installation, no need to change IIS App Pool identity or folder permissions
- Customer stock screen now allows quantity and UOM when adding to an order
Minor Additions:
- Order history page now shows proof of delivery and dispatch details
- Account search now includes postcodes
- You can now hide title text on promotions
- Promotions now show as expired not just the active status
- ‘Your Ref.’ added to order acknowledgement emails
- Query code editing improved
- Internal stock screen now shows selected customers base price
- Internal stock screen now has collapsible details panel to provide more space for grid
- Improved item search performance on place order page
- Registration page custom text now supports HTML
Bug Fixes:
- Quote status uses derived rather than Sage status
- Incorrect order/quote confirmation message
- Does not use correct VAT rate from sales ledger account
- Incorrect customer based alternate stock codes
- Stock warning persists even when disabled in settings
- Order page prices breaks inhibited if custom price used
- Customer alt codes do not show on place order item search
- Stock items dimension does not prevent negative values
- Zero value credit limit in Sage is treated as unlimited and won’t put the order on hold
- Application crashes if user tries to login before being authorised
- Customer fields not preserved when bulk order upload used
- Cannot save SMTP settings on initial setup
- Order comment lines with carriage returns were not correctly passed to Sage 200
- Emails generated used Spindle Self-Serve not site name
Version: 1.3
Release Date: 11th April 2018
Major Additions
- Order support for Sage 200 cloud.
- Ability to enable modules per user.
- Ability to hide Sales Ledger Accounts that are marked as hidden in Sage 200cloud.
- Option to Include / Exclude Sage archived data.
- Support for multi-currency.
- Automated verification email to be sent on registration.
- Ability to store multiple email queries against orders and invoices.
- Option to enable order/quote acknowledgment emails.
- Ability for internal users to edit unit price for orders/quotes.
- Support for hyperlinks and date ranges on Promotions.
- On order creation, Sage 200 to show the correct created by name.
- Option to enable Sage 200 (Sales Order Processing) analysis codes on order history screen.
- Ability to hide product groups at global or user level.
- Pro-Forma’s to be displayed on order history page.
- Ability to specify unit of measure when ordering from Stock page.
- Performance improvements for large Sage 200 datasets.
- Performance improvements for bulk uploads on ‘Place Order’.
- Performance improvements on documents page when dealing with large numbers of documents.
- Simplified installation process.
- Local Windows user – SpindleSelfServeUser created by installer.
- User automatically assigned to the IIS App pool.
Minor Additions
- Redesign emails to use the main portal theme.
- Ability to customise Welcome / Registration page.
- Ability to add a company logo to emails.
- Ability to group invoices by status (overdue at the top).
- Redesign order history details page.
- New “Forget Me” option to allow users to unregister.
- Ability to upload or link externally to a privacy policy.
- Improve filtering options on column headers.
- Enable searchable lists on accounts / stock search boxes.
- Usability improvements when saving selection boxes (Document Types, Sales Order analysis Codes) in Settings.
Bug Fixes
- Order comments appear on customer and pick documents in Sage.
- Bulk upload unable to handle blank or zero quantities.
Version: 1.2
Release Date: 2nd November 2017
Major Additions:
- Ordering – now supports Sage 200 2011, 2013 R2 and 2015, 2016 and 200c.
- Ability to specify an order warehouse by user.
- Ability for internal users to choose any warehouse when placing an order.
- Improved on hold order logic. If account is over credit limit or current order would go over credit then the order is placed on hold.
- Ability to add an item to the order basket from the internal stock page.
- Ability to create quotes as well as sales orders. This can be enabled per customer user, or turned off in the settings.
- Ability to exclude products from all screens at a global and user level.
- Added security around failed login attempts.
- Multiple failed login attempts will now lock a user account.
- Ability to export audit logs.
- Improved performance for large data sets.
Minor Additions:
- Re-designed the user properties panel.
- Re-designed settings page.
- Ability to upload multiple images per stock item.
- Ability for customers to access promotions from the portal at any time.
- Updated the documents tab to now show Second Reference.
- Ability to show multiple order numbers against an invoice ‘Your Ref’.
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