More ways to go paperless
Going paperless isn’t going to happen overnight, especially if you’re in an office that’s been using paper for a long time. However, implementing the below measures can help you go paperless.
Here are a few ways you can help support the transition to a paperless office
1. Standardise the use of word processing, slideshow and spreadsheet tools
If you get used to creating all of your documents digitally, there’ll be no need for paper in an office.
This is more efficient too, as with a fully integrated office, everything will go on the system anyway, and there’s less chance of losing an important bit of information written down on a post-it note.
2. Link your cloud storage with your email accounts
It’s likely that the platform your company uses for your emails also has options for cloud storage. Explore these options. This can mean all of your important documents can be easily accessed remotely and securely anywhere in the world.
3. Make the switch away from desktop computing
Desktop computers make a paperless office a more difficult goal to achieve. You’re quite literally bound to your desk by the computer that you’re using, and if you need to bring something to a meeting from it, chances are you’ll need to print it off.
Switching to laptops or tablets is a big step in how to run a paperless office, and it means that staff can take their work with them wherever they need to go. It also enables staff to connect their devices to projectors or displays, reducing the need to make costly and wasteful printouts.
In Conclusion
Going paperless is the future of offices for many reasons, one of the biggest being that it both protects the planet and saves your business money.
It’s estimated that the average British office worker uses 10,000 sheets of paper, and wastes 6,800 of them as shown here. Considering that 10,000 sheets of paper equates to around four boxes at £10 a pop, that’s not insignificant.
If you want to find out more about how to run a paperless office, contact Draycir today.